Monday, August 20, 2012

Treasury Pick of the day

Team Elites Treasury Pick of the day! Treasury curating is truly a work of art in itself, it takes time (sometimes as much as an hour per curation) and a love for creating! I am always amazed when viewing Team Elites Members creations, the artistic skill and all the beautiful collections. I have decided to post a treasury on randomly selected days from a team member on whose treasury really caught my eye for the day. Its a huge honor when someone notices something you have worked so hard on creating and shares it with the rest of the world! Today, I am sharing with you a collection created by:

'Memories...' by thewoodenhinge

featuring amazing items from avid team members...

Beachside Boardwalk - F...

Fabric Flower Rosette N...

Fingerless effective Gl...

Were you wishing for a ...

Wedding Favors set of 1...

White Rose - Fine Art P...

tiger eye agate necklac...

Dusty blue lace cowl - ...

Vintage enamelware cup

vintage house number - ...

Keeping Cool - 16x20 Fi...

Tree Seeds in Decorativ...

summer Rustic Prairie R...

Burlap replica French g...

U is for University

Old Barn Photograph - S...

Treasury tool supported by the dog house

Terri, your collection is awe inspiring!

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